Produse pentru rapel de testare automatizata (5)

consultanță tehnică

consultanță tehnică

Integrated with our commodity supply, our technical support helps optimize your production processes. From selecting the right dairy products to adjusting formulations, our experts are here to enhance your operational efficiency and product quality.
Căutare de finanțare

Căutare de finanțare

La recherche de subventions est méconnue chez la plupart des dirigeants d’entreprise. En effet, souvent en France, la réaction naturelle est de faire l’amalgame entre subventions et aides sociales, ou de penser que le secteur d’activité ne permet pas l’octroi de ces subventions. En pratique, la réalité est toute autre : il existe de multiples dispositifs : subventions régionales, primes Energies à travers les CEE, … POS Conseil est là pour vous accompagner tout au long de vos financements.
Certificarea Testelor

Certificarea Testelor

The certification of gauges is based on checking that the instrument maintains the prescribed measurement tolerances and MSA processes that confirm the stability of the measurement process of the gauge used in different conditions and by different people. Tests and control and measurement devices undergo the process of checking the current state, and then we carry out the calibration process and recertification. We carry out the certification and calibration process of the gauges in accordance with the procedures resulting from ISO 17025 , which confirms the credibility of our work. At the client's request, we perform work in accordance with the requirements and processes resulting from the individual features or parameters of a given measuring instrument. Calibration of the gauges Calibration is an integral part of the construction and production processes of control and measurement devices and gauges, and is also used during service or repair work.
Programare NC

Programare NC

Alles aus einer Hand und Aufeinander Abgestimmt. Vom Gussteil über den mechanischen Bearbeitungsprozess bis zum Fertig bearbeiteten Bauteil inkl. MFU Unsere Serienprozessunterstützungen beinhalten folgende Bestandteile: - Projektierung - Bearbeitungswerkzeuge Auslegung - Spannvorrichtung Konzepterarbeitung/ Konstruktion/ Anfertigung - NC Serienprogrammerstellung, wenn gewüscht inkl. Vorort NC-Programm Inbetriebnahme, MFU - Anwendungstechnik, Prozessoptimierung, Taktzeitoptimierung - Automatisierung, Prüf- und Sonderanlagenbau
Integrarea, miniaturizarea și automatizarea proceselor analitice și a testelor

Integrarea, miniaturizarea și automatizarea proceselor analitice și a testelor

Integration, Miniaturisierung und Automatisierung analytischer Prozesse und Assays